Goodbye Old Boy
Everyone wants a pet dog. The minute someone comes home with a little bundle of fluff
the humans are all over it. Then exactly 8 years later you're taken to the shelter. I don’t understand, I thought we were family. Just you and me forever… “Yeah that's a big
fairytale buddy” you might as well say. Things were better when us hounds were just
wolves. Yeah I said it, life was better before I ever met you.
I wish I could just forget all about you. The day you came to pick me up at the shelter you even had a little collar with my new name printed on it - Jasper it was. All those times you said that we were best friends. I remember you saying once that it was you and me against the world. What happened to the old you, the real you. I don’t know but here I am back at that same shelter once again ready to find a new home.
When the time came to say goodbye to me you said exactly this “don’t worry old boy, they are gonna find you the best home in the world”. Well actually no. Nobody wanted an 8 year old dog. Everyone wants the newborn puppies just like how you wanted me.
Eventually I did find a home though. A young girl who worked at the shelter took one look at me and suddenly I had found a forever home. Man’s best friend - well girls best friend. I’ll never forget the times we had together though and I hope that you don’t either. If you ever see me though again out here in this big world then I hope you recognise me on spot and it makes you want to cry seeing how happy we are together knowing that you were the one that let me go…