Sunday, April 25, 2021

Anzac Day 25/4/21

Anzac Day, set on the 25th of April, is a celebration of lives that were taken in the first world war, over 100 years ago. These days to commemorate Anzac Day you can bake Anzac biscuits, wear a poppy on your shirt or participate in a dawn parade at your local town. The following paragraphs may explain somethings you may not have known about Anzac day. Enjoy!

Why the 25th?

Anzac day is celebrated on the 25th of April because on the morning of April 25th 1915, the Anzacs departed to capture Gallipoli peninsula in order to open  the Dardanelles to the allied navies. Therefore the 25th of April became the day when New Zealanders and Australians recalled on the sacrifice of those who had died in the war. 

Is Anzac Day recognised in all countries?

Anzac day is mainly rejoiced by individuals of Australia and New Zealand, though it can by celebrated by others worldwide.

What does 'Anzac' stand for?

The word Anzac was given to the soldiers from NZ and Australia that fought in ww1, it is short for 'Australia & New Zealand Army Corps'

The History of Anzac Biscuits:

During the first world war in 1910, Anzac biscuits were first created by the wives, girlfriends and mothers of the men at war as they were concerned that they were not able to eat many nutritional foods. They were first named 'Soldiers Biscuits' but after the soldiers landed in Gallipoli in 1915 they were soon changed to the title of Anzac biscuits. You can easily make Anzac biscuits using flour, sugar, coconut, rolled oats, butter, golden syrup or treacle, baking soda and boiling water. For more information on this recipe you can easily search it up or if you have a cook book it is likely to be found in there.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Walk up Mt Te Kinga 12.4.21

Last week, on the eighth of April, my class and I went for a fun day trip to walk up to Mt Te Kinga's Third lookout. On the way up it started off easy and gradually got steeper and we sometimes had to climb over logs or balance across them over murky and sunken patches on the track. It was a sunny day so the view from the second lookout was amazing. Some of the year eights (including me) had already been up mount Te Kinga to the top so we were used to the rough terrain. It was much quicker going down the summit so we had reached the bottom in about half and hour whereas it had taken us a much longer time to trek up.

When my group and I got down we ate our lunch while we waited for the groups that followed and then got ready to go swimming. The water was freezing cold when I first went in, but when I swam out further, I got used to it. After swimming a little while, Mackenzie and I teamed up to assemble a campfire. Then the whole class roasted three marshmallows each on the beach. 

Our trip was super fun and I hope we do another over the next three terms.

Would you enjoy a trip like this?

Earthquake Poster

Throughout term one we have been learning about geology, specifically the rock cycle although we have been learning about tsunamis and earthquakes too. Recently we made some posters about what we learned, they had to have 10 facts about the topic we had individually chosen. The poster could be about anything related to geology or the rock cycle, - I chose earthquakes. Here is a picture of my poster.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Quick Write 5/4/21

It seems that the stars have been blossoming around me for a long time. All of the warmth that twas once there has now left my body. Yet, I couldn't be happier. Out here in the fresh air, the deep night of inky blackness surrounding me. Would I get away with it? I wonder... After all, the police are bound to be looking for me, the runaway child, who had fled from the city, the past...

I can see it. Living out here in the lonely countryside, my handcrafted house opposite the riverbanks which are swarmed with wise willow trees. All of a sudden all the peace and tranquillity around me was gone as the cars blare across the countryside, their sirens colliding in an urgent blue and red. How did they find me here? No, I did not do anything wrong. Though I did run from everything and everyone I had once known.

Right now I can think of only two options. Give up my escape, turn myself in, or... Or I could take the plunge, dive into the ice cold of the river. I have limited time to make my choice. I descent into the water slowly, but all the same the frigid water shocks me. I drift down the river as it is my only option to not be seen. Yes, I do suppose my friends and family will be worried about me, but that is no longer my life. Besides it is too late to stop now...

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Preview of Disaster story

 Recently in class we have been writing fiction stories based on natural disasters. Here is the first paragraph from my story. I hope you enjoy this blog post :)

The Destructive Disaster By Tara Morgan

It was another ordinary day at school. Our teacher, Nic (as usual)

was rambling on about how we needed to find a science project to test.

I remember  thinking that everyone was probably just waiting for the

bell to ring for lunch (though it was only 11.15), because it’s not like

anyone was paying attention. Morgan was trying to fit her legs into her jersey,

Mackenzie was strumming a ukulele in the corner, Kaelyn was trying to type on her chromebook

with her toes and I was almost asleep on my desk. Nic kept on talking…

soon it was 11.16 … 11.17 … 18 minutes past. Luna  had started barking,

I fell off my chair from the sudden noise. “Tara!” Nic had yelled,

but she didn’t have time to say ‘pay attention’ and ‘geology rock cycles are important’

because then the rumbling started. The deafening, guttural, piercing sound

that came from the depths of the earth!